The ORIGIN of the Costa da Morte

Ferrá Adriá intentou restar protagonismo aos produtos da Costa da Morte (The ORIGIN of the Costa da Morte) pero non fixo máis que afianzar a súa presencia no Forum Gastronomic de Girona. This Monday Morning 21 January 2011 seafood from our region focused attention 90 professional (Cooks, hoteliers, gastronomic journalists ...) across the state. All thanks to the presentation that made the master chefs Maria Josefa Canosa Insua and Francisco Fernandez Insua, The restaurant's Fragón of Fisterra; Athenaeum under the Diputación de A Coruña and APTCM organized in a most peculiar quote of Spanish cooking. It also participated in the Comercializadora www.produtos and sausage-Dominguez.

A fantastic opportunity for this our food. Thus recognizes Anabel Pinheiro, head of the Association of Professionals in Tourism of Costa da Morte, highlighting that "disclosure of the offer and committed to specialization is gathering fruit". I is that after last week's Press Fam, our coastal cuisine is spreading steps axigantados.

And if last year was the pig Celtic's representative in the Forum Gastronomic Costa de Santiago de Compostela, this year took the seafood relief and kept the level. Besides, Seafood and the Cedeira, Requeixo the Chapel, the sprouts of Monfero, Bread of Neda and Octopus mugardesa had their display time.

A product with protected designation of origin
The intention of the corporation coast was clear: show the secrets of the genre and then try the results. But with a clear focus on the relationship between the product and its place of origin, that, second Piñeiro, "It shows that already begins to extend the idea that the product of the Costa da Morte is quality".